I facilitated a week-long camp exploring the intersection of art and technology. On one of the days, we learned how to build circuits using an LED, wire and a coin cell battery. We built a switch mechanism into our circuits to turn our night lights on and off. After we built our circuits and created our night lights, we incorporated our circuits into our night lights.
Author: Emma Lefley
Light-Up Games
I facilitated a game development and circuit building camp. We collectively learned how to build circuits to light up an LED using copper tape, coin cell batteries and LEDs. We then got into small groups and collaborated to develop a game concept. Each group was given resources to build and incorporate up to four LED circuits into their game. We developed our games and incorporated our LED circuits in various ways that were relevant to our games. Some groups built switches into their circuits to turn the LEDs on and off.
Light-Up City
I facilitated a day-long camp where we learned how to build basic circuits to make an LED turn on and off. We used copper tape, coin cell batteries, wire and LEDs. We incorporated our circuits into our art projects. The intention behind the project was to build a light-up city. We first came together as a group and aligned on the different components that make up a city. Each person created a part of the city, and then we brought our individual parts of the city together to create the whole city.
Out of this World Advice
Work in progress interactive musical installation with an accompanying narrative and puzzle-like experience. Acrylic structure contains LEDs, amplified sound, and small computers.
Generative audio system built in SuperCollider. Central state store in Node.js with Redux. Node.js process also receives button signals from Arduino and animates LEDs.